

Any donation or sponsorship is respected as if it's a billion dollars. Our goal is to put on an awesome, historical and life changing event. Whatever you select, whatever you can give and whatever you can physically do, we appreciate. Let's change the world. -Devin T. Robinson X"Egypt" Director and Creator of the AIDS Games.


50,000$ Title AIDS Games Sponsorship Package


Title Sponsorship

Present awards to winners

Logo on promotional commercial broadcasting on local CNN, BET and NBC

Gold Package


25,000$ Gold AIDS Games Sponsorship Package.


Logo on AIDS Games book bags

Logo on AIDS Games Hats

Logo on 6-foot promotional banner

Silver Package


10,000$ Silver AIDS Games Sponsorship Package.


Logo on T-shirts

Logo inside program booklet

Community Donation Package

Community Donation

All Donations Go Towards Free Jerseys For HIV + scholarship recipients.

Logo on educational flyers

Logo on Website

To mail a check:

AIDS Awareness Poets Inc.

PO Box 961049

Riverdale, Ga 30296

 Call 260.227.5446 for sponsorship inquires.