Why an AIDS Games?
Why an AIDS Games? Here is even a better question, why not? How about, why has it taken so long and so many lives until this idea hit home?
The AIDS Games (AG) was created by the president of the National AIDS Awareness Poets, Devin T. Robinson X "Egypt". When he found the HIV community, as a whole was steadily moving into oblivion. "More people are dying, more family are crying but no one is caring, we have to do something different." said, Mr. "Egypt". Noticing the steady decline of media attention and local support of HIV/AIDS related events, he knew people were getting bored and tired of the same ideas. There have been walks, balls and conferences but never has there been an AG.
One of the most intriguing questions asked were, "People with HIV are not handicapped, why should we have our own Games?"
The Special Olympics was designed for individuals who are unable to compete in the Olympics due to a disability. The AIDS Games was created to bring awareness to AIDS, the victims, the victors and the victories surrounding this epidemic. Our goal is to bring awareness, not shine inability. We don't believe HIV+ people are handicapped or any less athletic or able as a non-infected person. As a matter of fact, many of the participants can probably beat actual Olympic medalists.
We wanted a chance to do something different. Add another chapter to the stellar success book of this "HIV fight".
That only allowed our team of directors to create more interesting programs to ensure no discrimination occurs during the AG and history is made.
This is something new, fresh and inventive! Allowing people to compete against the virus to bring awareness to a syndrome (virus) that has not slowed down one bit. All who are reading this participate or sponsor and take part in history. Every two years, when the AG comes to your town, people will hop at the chance to get fit and partake in history.
We are absolutely sure that unlike the Olympics or Special Olympics, the AIDS Games will not last long. Our belief, there will be a cure and vaccine for this virus in the short coming years. At such time, we will gladly halt the AG and celebrate the triumphant moment in time where there is no longer such a thing as HIV or AIDS. Will you be part of this history? It only takes a minute to sign up and change history books.
Registration begins July 30th 2012